Thursday, November 27, 2008

Being Thankful and feeling blessed

There are so many "things" to be grateful for that this could go on forever. These are just observations of this day (for about 10 mins):

*That it is 40 out today. *That some stranger gave me a smile and wished me a Happy Thanksgiving on my way to the theater. *That I am not the man picking butts out of the public ashtray (I did say a prayer for him). *The man who told me "you're "awfully happy", while working at the theater. *That I have a home, food, heat, my husband. *That our families have webcams. *That our Gram is as beautiful and strong as I remember. *That my mom hasn't lost her smile, even when I think she wants to cry (and she continues to answer the phone when I call). *That Bob's neck is healing. *For the people that we have meet in Alaska and are a part of our lives. *That my sister has come into her own. *That my brother never gives up - no matter how many times he is knocked down. *That our families take care of one another. *That Tristan and Adam and Rosco (Linus too) thought we were "cool enough" to hangout with. *That we took the chance and moved to Alaska - even if it is so hard to be away. *That I only cried once today - missing all of you.

God Bless you and keep you safe and loved. MJ

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