Tuesday, November 25, 2008

And then there were 3

I really can't believe it myself, but the other day, while putting something in another co-workers mailbox at school I realized that we have new employee . . . her name is Molly. There are now 3 of us at Dzantik'i Heeni. It is so crazy. Who would have ever thought. I do have to say that I always enjoyed there not being to many people with my name - I have no desire to "be common".
Also along with the name thing: we have to students named Molly in our school and this one you really won't believe: one of their middle names is . . . Jean. That I must say really blew me away. I don't know if she got here middle name the way I did, I haven't asked. MJ

1 comment:

Once Upon a Farm said...


You are so not "common"..... abnormal - now maybe, certainly not "common"....