Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's a Small World

even in Juneau, Alaska . . .
A couple of weeks ago I had two "small world" experiences. First, there were a couple of gentlemen in that had on Spartan hats. I asked "What part of Spartan Country are you from?" The response "We are from a small community in Southern Michigan". Me "I grew up in Onsted". Them, "Hey she's from Onsted". Guess what? So are they. Pretty crazy huh? That's why I always ask. We chatted for a little bit and they asked me if I knew Marsha Chatfield. Apparently she is the Elementary School Principal. It was fun. Their wives came in to ask who the girl from Onsted was. They asked Tawney and she looked at them like they were crazy. Poor girl, she's only 19 and to think that she would be old enough to know Marsha. My second "small world" experience happened a few days later when a guy walked in with an Adrian College sweatshirt on. I asked "Is that for real or did someone buy it for you?" It was for real, he went to Adrian College. It's a small, small world . . .MJ


Gram said...

Molly, Must be you have not talked to your Mom about this or she hasn't seen you blog yet. Marsha's Mom and your MOm graduated together in l966. Yes, it is indeed a small world. I'm surprised Marsha didn't ask you more questions about who you were when you were in Onsted. Gram

Once Upon a Farm said...

You should ahve gotten a name... :)