Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Morning

Back up at 6:30 am again. I guess that's what happens when you fall asleep before 8 pm. Which I am pretty certain that I did. I meet Amy for a walk and got in 8 m yesterday. Part of the reason I think that I was so tired.

It looks to be another beautiful day today. I have enjoyed the sunrise, I am heating up biscuits and gravy for breakfast (thank goodness Bob puts stuff in the freezer), then off to meet Tristan and Rosco for a little hike. I love sunny days, just so full of energy and the need to be outside.

Talked to Bob last night, he is getting the work done and has a fun (little scary) story to tell you all when he gets home. Looks like maybe Monday. MJ

1 comment:

Once Upon a Farm said...

Bob has certainly made a good wife for you! :)