Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"Candidate Matchmaker"

If only it were that easy. . .

This is how I came out:
John Edwards 43%
Rudy Giuliani 40%
Hillary 35%
Mike Huckabee 35% (I'll be your Huckleberry, sorry, it just came to me!)
Mitt Romney 35%
Barack Obama 33%
Mike Gravel 30%
John McCain 30%
Ron Paul 30%
Duncan Hunter 20%

Oh, where to begin. First of all you should be able to tell that this is outdated since my one and two have withdrawn form the race. Then there is number three, do i really need to comment. If you know me, you know that I will have to move to another country. It used to be Canada, now it maybe Mexico. Not that that country would be any better, just that I couldn't say it, it would be more than I could handle. Luckily for me I am an educated person and will not be picking my candidate by a match making survey. Although, how nice would it be not to have to think! If only it were that easy


Once Upon a Farm said...

I've learned never to comment on politcal issues with people - ever time my mother bring it up I get frustrated....very frustrated....

So - in that light - that's nice deary.....

Bob and Molly said...

No, you just get up on your soapbox on your blog!!!

Once Upon a Farm said...