Thank goodness that Michigan won (I can't believe that those words came out of my mouth), but if Bob had walked around here one more Saturday talking about how the world wasn't right, I don't think I would have made it through. How does one become such a sports fan? It's just a game! (I am not really looking for an answer, I know that many of you are extreme fans.)
The wind and rain have kept us in another weekend. Yes, we have rain gear, but it is nasty out. So instead we used my fringe benefit of working at the theater. We saw Balls of Fury and ate a tub of popcorn. It was a pretty funny movie. Lately we have been using the free movie perk. We have seen the Simpsons (which is a must see), SuperBad (another must see), and Balls of Fury. I saw several more this summer. Bob is still a little bitter that I saw the latest Harry Potter without him.
Today I will be heading out to do our Christmas shopping. Have you all been good? or bad? The cruise ships are dwindling down, so the shops are closing up. In about 2 weeks the town will be as it was when we got here. So the time is now. MJ
Dear santa:
I've been a very good boy this year and am hoping for a plane ticket to Alaksa. Since moving to Denver, I haven't seen my good friend Molly and she needs to hear my laugh!
Ok - so you last wrote on the 16th - today is the 20th..... :)
Well, Scotter, we would all like to hear your laugh....can you have it canned? Might sell in AK; might even sell in MI....I know I could use a good laugh!
Molly and Bob, I love this site! It is almost like being there (but without the stomach flip-flops that are sure to accompany an actual trip your way, either by land, sea, or air!)
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