Friday, May 30, 2008

Summer Vacation, almost there

I am almost on Summer Vaca. This Saturday we have Saturday School and then it is official. But as for this morning, I am enjoying myself. Cup of coffee, read the newspaper, email, a little blogging and then it's off to do the dishes and some cleaning up. The weather has been very nice for over a week and today looks like the start of a low ceiling and maybe rain. It's okay, a few days like this let you clean up and get ready for the days of sun again.

Has anyone ever had frogs? One of ours is huge, it's either pregnant or going to below up. We really don't know which.

I have a job interview with RALLY today. It is a before school, after school, summer program for elementary students. I put in for a full time position, but if that doesn't work out I also put in to be a sub. This summer my plan is to save, save, save, so that next summer will be the summer of Molly. I don't know what that means yet, but I am going to work on it.

I was given a wonderful complement yesterday. Our drama teacher told me that my name had come up in a meeting and all involved were impressed and grateful for the work I am doing. It's nice to hear those things. I am hoping to get more training and start taking some classes (once we official become residents, 2 years in Alaska). It's the right place to be. My thinking is to keep doing what I am doing and work towards a Masters in School Counseling. Then wait around for someone to retire!

We got our first electric bill, $287.50. Ouch. We even cut our electrical use in half. 533 kilowatts were used last month. I have set the bill aside and will think on how to proceed. I am still pretty upset, as is Bob, that this privately owned company did not have insurance and/or money set aside for a "rainy day". There is a group of citizens here who are refusing to pay the .11 per kilowatt that was before this disaster. It's just not right that a company makes billions in profit and then when something bad happens, they do not have to spend that profit to fix the problem. Thus the monopoly. What choice do we have? None, which is part of the problem.

Off to gather up recyclables and do some dusting. MJ

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