Thursday, January 8, 2009


I hope that you are resting and following dr orders. I mean it.


Once Upon a Farm said...

What did MOTHER do now....

Bob and Molly said...

She got pink eye, then she said it turned into an infection in her eye socket. Then as she's talking to me she makes some comment about "If it doesn't get better I'll have to have brain surgery." She continues talking and when she stops I say "so were you serious about the briain surgery thing or where you just exagerating?" "No, I was serious?" Say prays that she heals up soon.

Marlys said...

She makes it sound like I went looking for this. I didn't nor did I let it go when it just came on fast and is not that much fun (I'd roll my eyes but one of them hurts.....)
Ok, so maybe the doctor was scare me. But, he did say I might have to have an IV if this medicine doesn't do the trick. I am sure any infection in or around the head is serious at the very least.
Alas, improvement is minimal, so I am calling him in the morning to see what to do next. (All prayer is welcome.)

Once Upon a Farm said...


I will ignore the pun regarding "looking for it"!

Get better! Right now! :)