Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thoughts from the week

Things that caught my attention this week:

I rode the activity bus downtown after school one day this week and I was listening to one of our sixth graders tell me how hard it is to be homeless.  It really does put your life in prospective.  This kiddo has no home and I am wondering if I have enough $ set aside to go to Disney.

I am grateful that I feel appreciated at my jobs.  And that I enjoy all three of them!

I now work with a student that I knew from Dzantik'i Heeni on Saturdays at the theater - this kid made me laugh then and still does.  Our new superintendent has introduced a button and the concept of Connect to the community.  The idea is that we need to "connect" with kids.  Last week on break Matt asked me what I was doing on my break, I told him I was going to my truck to have a snack and read a book.  He asked me if he could go with me and I told him "no, that's weird".  But what I did tell him was that this Saturday we would hang out on our break.  That's what we did, we played Yahtzee and laughed.  It's important to "connect", not just with kids, but with everyone we meet.  Maybe if we all "connected" a little bit more, we'd be a stronger nation.

My husband is cute, but that cuteness wears off when he lays on the couch and shakes his glass at me to get him something more to drink - with that adorable little face.

I am getting quicker at typing.  When we first moved here, I felt like I would never be able to type at a normal pace, now I am a whiz.

I love baseball and that Bob and I enjoy it together - GO YANKEES!!!  MJ

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