So, two 20 year olds decided to throw rocks to break a door last night at our school, then throw the same rocks through a stained glass window we have that overlooks our gym. It is a beautiful piece of art that portrays different sports. It looks like they were located today - quick police work. I just do not get it, what is the purpose. I mean aren't they old enough to know better? I hope that they are arrested and forced to pay for the damages. It is just so sad for our students.
Other than that, good day. We almost have all of our reservations made for the Chilkoot. Just waiting on the ferry schedule. It will be a real pain in the butt if the ferry doesn't run to Skagway everyday. We made our plans on that assumption. Oh well, we'll get there.
Bob started a longer workday today. It looks like they are going to 5 10s. The tourist season will be here soon.
Tristan and I are taking a couple felting classes next month. Beginner ones. I have no idea what it is, but it sounded like fun. I googled it and I think it is a type of knitting. Does anyone know for sure? MJ
Some felting is like knitting, but other parts are not like it - hard to describe. You use wool, soap and water - the wool fibers blend together to make the felt, when wet you can shape it into anything you want. It should be interesting and keep you out of trouble..... :)
I figured that you would have an idea. But you're never home when I call so I knew this would work. Thank you.
Wonderful! But, I'm wondering if you will learn to knit all over again....English? (how I knit) Continental? (how Grandma knits)...should be interesting. I want pictures, especially of your face.
I am sorry to hear about the school windows. Why anybody would destroy something that others treasure is beyond me. Were they homeless and needed a place to stay (jail?).
Yah - how's that knitting coming. And, if you'd quit calling everytime I'm in the bathroom we'll be fine! *laughs* It's like you have a camera in my apartment!
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