Sunday, June 13, 2010

One lonely flip-flop

You would think that I would know better than to try and wear flip-flops on my walk to work, but in my defense after our hike the other day I got a blister and it hurt too darn much to wear shoes, so I headed to work in flops.  About 10-15 minutes into the walk I realized that this wasn't happenin'.  I need real shoes and I know this.  So I stop along side the road, change shoes and finish my hobble to work.  After a couple hours at work I can't take it anymore and decide to go and put my flops back on.  What do you think I find . . .

that's right, I only have a flop, no flip!  I must have left the other along side the road.  So after work, before my meeting I went and bought a pair of open back shoes.  Then I my way home I look for my flip, but no luck, I am left with a flop!

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