I got the pictures to load tonight. I just needed to do them one at a time. Top photo: the entire outfit. Next: My garters, one on each arm. Next: Sherrif's Badge. Last: Self-portrait, while I was waiting for Bob to take the top picture. Actually all but the top photo are self-portraits. I am getting so good at taking my own picture. Is that self-absorbed?
So where to begin. . .this job started off as me being "on-call" for the Red Dog Gift Shop this summer. But yesterday, Mike called me to say that the Doorman was out sick and would I like to do it. Well, of course in my mind all I see is a big burly man with attitude (like my college days) working the door. But I asked what I would do and off I went. When I got there I was handed my suspenders and garters. I had not a clue to be quite honest, so someone Mike referred to as "Grandma" helped dress me. I don't wear suspenders, how would I know? Dressed and ready I worked the door and told people where to sit, basically I get to boss people around (not really). I meet some fun people and chatted with them about there vacations. I got a fist-to-fist from a big man who sat at the first table (who I told should have my job, big man). I also realized that after I came back from my potty break, I forgot to zip up my pants. Yeap, keep laughing. I can't even remember how long I was standing up in front of people that way. Bob and I were laughing last night wondering how many pictures I am in with my pants unzipped. Then there was the man who when he came in I asked how many, "just one". So I told him that he could sit up at the bar. He took a stool next to where I was standing and asked if I wanted to join him. I told him that I was working. He said when do you get off and me, not thinking says "five". "I'll wait", he said. I didn't think anything of it, finished my day and about 10 minutes to 5 a man walks up to the door again and says "I am back". I told him to sit up at the bar and slowly realized he was the man from earlier. Lucky for me the main entrance is not the only way in or out. So I went out the back door. Oh and now I am to just come into work each day that I can and bring my "bag of costumes". They don't know what I will be doing, but they will put me to work some where. Damn my good work ethic and can do attitude. Where did my mother go wrong?!!! Oh, I also forgot to say that I spent the entire day in the doorway and it is windy and in the 50's here now, so I could not get warm the rest of the day. Brrr. MJ
1 comment:
Oh-ya, this is hilarious! And it reminds me of something....could it be a version of your theater garb? (chuckle)
Amanda was still laughing when I got home and I laughed all the way up to you blaming your work ethics on your MOTHER!....LOL Now I know that you are taking all these jobs so you can play dress-up.
"XYZ-PDQ" the next time you go potty! (I had to tell Amanda what that means - hope you are a better guesser!)
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